UD Library Hub
Other Libraries
- TROVE (National Library of Australia)
- Australian Catholic University
- Australian Libraries Gateway
- Dalton McCaughey Library
- Friedsam Memorial Library (St. Bonaventure, NY)
- La Trobe University Library
- Mannix Library (CTC)
- Monash University Library
- The University of Melbourne Library
- Vatican Library
- Veech Library (CIS)
- Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library
Useful Links
- ABC Religion & Ethics
- AULOTS (Australasian Union List of Serials in Theological Collections)
- Catholic Catechism
- Catholic Yellow Pages/
- Franciscan JPIC (Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation)
- L'Osservatore Romano
- New Advent: The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York, 1907-1912)
- Papal Documents
- RCNet
- Vatican Resources
- Why Study Religion
Theological Institutions
- Catholic Institution of Sydney
- Catholic Theological College, Melbourne (CTC)
- Churches of Christ Theological College (CCTC)
- John Paul II Institute
- St Bonaventure University (NY, USA)
- University of Divinity
- Whitley College
- Yarra Theological Union
Subject Sites
Biblical & General
- Catholic Church Documents (Biblical Studies)
- Catholic Resources for Bible, Liturgy, Art, and Theology
- E.N.T.E.R. (Electronic N.T. Educational Resources)
- East Mediterranean Resources
- Israel in N.T. Times
- Lonergan Research Institute
- NT Gateway
- On-line Reference Book for Medieval Studies
- Patristics Internet Resources
- Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
- Sacred Scripture (USML)
Jesus Christ
Religious Orders represented within Faculty of YTU
- Carmelites (OCarm)
- Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (SSS)
- Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH)
- Discalced Carmelites (OCD)
- Divine Word Missionaries (SVD)
- Dominicans (OP)
- Franciscans (OFM)
- Good Samaritan Sisters (SGS)
- Loreto Sisters (IBVM)
- Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC)
- Pallottines (SAC)
- Passionists (CP)
- Redemptorists (CSsR)
- Sisters of Charity
- Sisters of Mercy (RSM)
- Sisters of Our Lady of Sion (NDS)